Monday, January 3, 2011

Wordpress Language Translator Plugin

Now can be read in 13 language, including English, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Dutch, Norwegian, with using wordpress language translator.

wordpress language translator

This is a wordpress language translator plugin which can translate my website in to different language with using 4 big online translator, such as Google Translation Engine, Babelfish Translation Engine, and Promt.

Help in SEO
This plugin also help in SEO, example, to access my website in Japanise language version, you need to access,, I may submit the particular URL to the Japanise seach engine and let the spider to crawl my website :)

wordpress japanise translator

Watashi wa Calvyn desu :P

wordpress korean translator

Plugin Name : Global Translator


After activate the plugin, just add the following code in your wordpress theme, any where you would like the widget to display, like mine, I put it on my header.php

if(function_exists("gltr_build_flags_bar")) {

Other Type of Translator
I do saw some other blogger use the other type of trasnlator such as TechCzar,

But when visitor visit their blog in other language, the URL are not from their own website, instead, the website are translate with, and the URL shows like below.

With using the Global Translator, wordpress language translator, the URL will shows as below.

Does this wordpress language translator really help in SEO? I can’t actually comfirm it, since I did not have much knowledge on SEO, and just take this advice from forumer. By right should help in SEO.

What does you think?

Personally, I think the flag is too small, I am looking for bigger flag and edited my self


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