Monday, January 3, 2011

Google Analytics Plugin for Wordpress


Where is all my Traffic?…

Oops, is just my mistake to DEACTIVATE the plugin. Previously before I change my theme, I have put the google analytics code in my theme index.php. So there are no problem even I DEACTIVATE the plugin, and I have forgot my New theme without google analytics code. So my Google Analytics cant detect any result from after the plugin DEACTIVATED.

What Plugin I use -> Untimate GA
This plug in enable you a lot such as inbound and outbound link, to know more about this plugin, you may visit Ultimate GA all the function and feature are listed there

After activate this plugin, go to option -> Untimate GA -> you need to put the Google Analytics account ID there.

The account ID you may obtain from the script that generate from Google Analytics. such as below.

UA-xxxxxxx-x are the code require to put in. To download this, you may download here.

Well, enjoy this plugin and tell me what is your todays traffic ;)


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