Monday, January 3, 2011

Security Consideration for Your Blog

When we using free blogging platform, usually the service provider such as blogger and wordpress will take care all the security consideration. While for thise self hosting blog, security consideration is a must to avoid your blog be hacked.
Open Source Blogging Platform
Usually for self hosted blog, we are using free open source platform(blog software) such as wordpress, b2evolution, Nucleus. All script that we using right here are open source script which easily be penetrate by hacker.
Recommended Prevention Method for Open Source Blogging Platform:
Always update blog software to the latest version, because older version susceptible to vulnerabilities and your blog and server may be hack.
Backuping Database, Template, Plugin, and others file:
Backup your blog frequently so that you able to restore/recover it when any security breach or server problem. Base on my experience, few thing that you might need to backup time to time, may be once a week.
1. Database – you can use any plugin, such as wp-db-backup, to generate backup database automatically and send to your email weekly or daily.
2.Template/Theme – I do experience before hacker edited my template, and add in malware, all my visitor who access my website are infected.
3. Plugin – Plugin are not that big trouble because we do able to download the fresh copy from the the plugin website.
4. file folder – for example, “upload” folder which located at wp-content(for wordpress), the location which store your photo, and file at the server.
Strong Password:
Using strong password for your blog, and also for your web hosting account and FTP account, change them frequently


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